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Trial by Pilot

Nobody has time to watch every new television series...which is why we judge them all based solely on the pilot! Tune in to hear our verdict.

Jun 25, 2019

This week we travel around the globe on a poorly made cartoon map with Blood & Treasure, a new CBS drama that takes us to such exotic locales as Monte Carlo, Rome, and a nice airport. 

Jun 18, 2019

This week we're watching the first episode of Cheers, widely regarded as one of the greatest television pilots of all-time. Tune in to find out if we agree!

Jun 11, 2019

We really needed something light-hearted and just plain FUN this week, so we watched the pilot to HBO's new miniseries Chernobyl. 

Jun 4, 2019

This week we're drafting the best Game of Thrones characters! We discuss favorite scenes, memorable quotes, and who we're most attracted to on the show. Plus...where the hell is Howland Reed?! SPOILERS! EXPLICIT LANGUAGE! You've been warned.